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Back to Work Part Two

Well here I am. Back to work after my second maternity leave. I feel very fortunate to have been able to stay home with Ava for nearly...

Intrusive Thoughts

Are you even a mom if you’ve never thought about the possibility of tumbling down the stairs with your baby in your arms? I’m just...

The Transition from One to Two

I think this is honestly a very subjective shift. I did a poll on Instagram and it was basically split 50/50 between thinking the...

One Year Later

I wish I could say grief gets easier the longer you sit with it. I think the amount of time per day or week or month that it creeps up on...

Little Signs Everywhere.

It's amazing what feeling better physically can do for your mental health. I already knew this, but being in the thick of it absolutely...

Taking Care of Myself

This idea has been so foreign to me since I became a mother, but I'm realizing more and more that I need to prioritize this. When you...

One Month.

Waking up this morning felt strange. I felt excited for Jack. Last night was truly magical for him. We went to my aunts house, as we have...

A Heavy Christmas

Someone posted this in my Second Trimester Grief group and wanted to share for those who don't quite understand or just want to read...

One Week

It's been one week since the delivery of our baby boy and nothing is any easier. I of course didn't think it would be, but I'm starting...

Second Trimester Pregnancy Loss.

Jake and I want to thank every person, near and far, who has reached out to us and our family during this unfathomable time in our lives....

Are You Trying for Another?

I've recently been getting this question a LOT. It seems that because Jack is now 1.5 years old, many people feel it makes sense to start...

Mom Guilt

If you are a mom reading this, you understand what "Mom Guilt" is. If you are an expecting mother, you will learn quickly. Mom Guilt is...

Instagram is Not Reality.

I wrote an entire post on this and deleted it and started over. The name of my blog is "The Unconditionally Honest Mama" and I need to be...

We've All Been There

Today we decided to take Jack to a farm. He loves animals, being outdoors, and running around, so we thought this would be such a fun...

Learn to Accept & Ask For Help

Listen, I will sometimes give advice that I am still working on taking myself. Please learn from own mistakes. That is part of the reason...

Mourning Your Past Life

There are so many crazy, wild, and beautiful things about postpartum. But yet another thing I was not mentally prepared for was mourning...

Embracing Your New Bod.

This part is really f*cking hard and totally different for everyone. Instead of pretending like I know what you went through or are going...

Contact Naps are Everything

I think in the beginning, when your world is still spinning and your morphing into this entirely new version of yourself, you take for...

Drop Me a Line, Let Me Know What You Think

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