I'm sure this part varies from mama to mama, but when speaking with many of my new mama friends postpartum and after being through all of this, I learned how normal it was.
In the very early days following the birth of my son, I found myself in tears more than I was not. For nothing, or so it seemed. I remember coming home from the hospital with Jack and my husband, Jake, and just feeling overwhelmed with the emotions. And it just did not stop. Like it did, eventually. But it was a rollercoaster that no one prepared me for.
When you think of how much your body has just gone through-10 months of creating a human being inside your own body, then having it popped out of your body and all of a sudden there is just no being inside of you anymore-it makes sense to cry a bit. All of the hormonal changes that your body goes through beginning right at postpartum is pretty wild. I use the term "remarkable" a lot and I'll apologize in advance for how much I say it-but it all truly is just that. So it should not be a wonder how emotional a mama might be who just gave birth.
The waterworks [for me] lasted about a few weeks. I remember my husband telling me one day, "wow hun, you didn't really cry that much today!"like it was a big accomplishment. You will cry because you are happy, sad, mad, feeling weird, all of it. And the waterworks do not just go away, but you will cry much less as time goes on and your hormones start to regulate-ish (breastfeeding is another emotional rollercoaster).
I guess the reason that I am writing this as one of my first blog posts, is because this is one of the first emotional experiences I went through postpartum and I hope you know that it's so normal. This does not at all mean you are experiencing postpartum depression. This is your hormones doing exactly what they should be doing. This is your body responding to going from a massive human taking up your insides, to being plucked out suddenly. You will be okay, and you will weather this first storm. So, like the baby sleep experts say, cry it out, mama.