And this was one of them. Today my son underwent ear tube surgery, or myringotomy. We have been preparing for this day for a few months now, once we found out that he had a ton of fluid in his ears that was causing a major hearing loss for him. After several appointments with the dentist, the ENT [Ear, Nose, & Throat], and pediatrician, we landed on surgery as the best option for him. This was the only way to drain the fluid and hopefully give our babe some relief that he so deserves.
I am going to write other posts on being your child's first advocate for their health & safety, but I will say my pediatrician is not the one who did the legwork on figuring out Jack's health issues, it was mama. Follow that mama instinct, you are never wrong. NEVER. If I had not gone with my gut and what my crazy special-ed teacher brain was telling me, it might have been several months or years until we realized that Jack had fluid issues in his ears, because he never had ear infections and was otherwise just a happy little boy (why wouldn't he be-not like he ever knew any different than being filled with fluid). Early intervention is key, ALWAYS.
Anyways, today was the day. I have been stressed about this day for a while. Yesterday during work it was all I could think about, frantically waiting to get the text about what time to arrive at the hospital, directions for where to go, where to park, etc. I think to an outsider they probably do not understand what any mom is going through when it's such a MINOR surgery, right? 15 minutes in and out. Well, nothing in life will ever prepare you to watch your babe undergo anesthesia at the age of one. Nothing. It is not something I can even put into words for you or make you feel better about. It just sucks. And it was quick. I think I counted eleven minutes was how long it really took our surgeon from start to finish, who by the way was absolutely amazing (when searching for anything medical for your babe, get several references, opinions, reviews, and even interview them if you can. This is their health we are talking about, it's everything).
So despite knowing that Jack was going to have this surgery for a few months now, I just don't think anything could really prepare me or my husband for the stress and nervousness that we felt leading up to the surgery and the day of. When we finally got to see him again (longest eleven minutes of my life) it was the biggest relief I have felt in a while. And now, I can say that this is behind us all, and we are en route to recovery and hopefully a bub who can hear what we are saying!
What helped me most throughout this little journey of making Jack feel better, was talking to mama's who have been through it. Not people saying, "Oh, I'm sure you're nervous, I totally get it." or "it'll be okay!", but the moms who remember that feeling of holding your baby's hand while he falls asleep with the scary mask on, and how hard it was for her. The mom who remembers the relief their baby felt post surgery, and how much better they slept. When I say it takes a village, and I say it often, these are some of the bets members of your tribe. Speaking through experience is everything. And now I hope that I can pay it forward and help a mama going through the same or a similar situation.
For now, we are resting and snuggling the rest of the day! Totally Jack's idea, not mine (just kidding).
xo Courtney